2017-11-05 2:00 PM
I am trying to implement USB mass storage device class on the Sensortile which uses STM32L476. I used the sample audio loop app to verify that USB works fine. However, when I ported the MSC device functions from L476G-Eval directory, I am not able to get the interrupt coming for me. What is the right source code for porting msc device fns into sensortile? Anybody has done it and it worked fine?
#stm32l4-usb #usb #sensortile #usb-msc-device2017-11-05 2:52 PM
After I changed the line in USBD_LL_Init() as
hpcd.Init.vbus_sensing_enable = 0; // this was 1...
now I see that the USB Mass Storage Device is listed in windows device manager. But it cannot start for some reason. Still needs some code change I think.
What I see is that the BSP SD card functions are not working properly. The HAL_Delay() was hanging up with SD driver fns. I had to use cycle counter to implement the delay. Now I see that the usbd_storage.c is trying to call SD fns but for some reason SD card access is not happening. There are bugs in the code which I am not able to pin point. Anybody had found and fixed the bugs?