2015-09-30 2:37 PM
i'm trying to implement msc class in my firmware to read usb stick's.I used Stm32CubeMx to create the source code. I also implemented sd-card and fat file system. I can read from sd-card without any problem. But i can only read from usb stick, if i disable data cache. Without Data cache i get a lot debug messages (i have debug level 3) like this :USB Device AttachedPID: 1666hVID: 951hAddress (&sharp1) assigned.Manufacturer : KingstonProduct : DataTraveler 3.0Serial Number : 50E549513770BF20A986024DEnumeration done.This device has only 1 configuration.Default configuration set.Switching to Interface (&sharp0)Class : 8hSubClass : 6hProtocol : 50hMSC class started.Number of supported LUN: 1LUN &sharp0: Inquiry Vendor : KingstonInquiry Product : DataTraveler 3.0Inquiry Version : PMAPMSC Device readyMSC Device capacity : 2848259584 BytesBlock number : 30728831Block Size : 512With Data cache i only get the message ''USB Device Attached'' and ''USB Device disconnected''I hope anyone can helpRegardsFalkoPS:Sorry for my english #usb-host-msc-stm32f7