2017-12-06 9:21 PM
1. Need to interface pen drive with stm32f205rbt6 for logging data in text file in pen drive.
2. Generated code from stm32cube & link for total code is here:
3. Made changes in fatfs.c file generated as below.
4. Problem is code always struk in if(FR_OK != res) & return disk_error always. What error I am doing.
5. is there any example code for STM32F2 using pen drive for storage purpose to see exactly where changes are to be made.
&sharpinclude 'fatfs.h'
uint8_t retUSBH; /* Return value for USBH */
char USBHPath[4]; /* USBH logical drive path */FATFS USBHFatFS; /* File system object for USBH logical drive */FIL USBHFile; /* File object for USBH */FRESULT res;/* USER CODE BEGIN Variables */
/* USER CODE END Variables */
void MX_FATFS_Init(void)
{ /*♯♯ FatFS: Link the USBH driver ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/ retUSBH = FATFS_LinkDriver(&USBH_Driver, USBHPath);/* USER CODE BEGIN Init */
/* additional user code for init */ /* USER CODE END Init */ res = f_mount(&USBHFatFS , USBHPath ,0U); if(FR_OK != res) { while(1); } res = f_setlabel('DATA DISK'); if(FR_OK != res) { while(1); } res = f_open(&USBHFile, '/_SERIAL.txt', FA_OPEN_ALWAYS); if(FR_OK != res) { while(1); } }/**
* @brief Gets Time from RTC * @param None * @retval Time in DWORD */DWORD get_fattime(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN get_fattime */ return 0; /* USER CODE END get_fattime */ }#usb-host #stm32f2052017-12-07 9:53 PM
any update