2017-04-16 10:51 PM
Are these variables taking a lot of memory space on the stack ?
FRESULT fr; //move to global /* FatFs return code */
FILINFO fno; //move to globalDIR dir; //move to global?
#space #memory #freertos #stack2017-04-17 12:43 AM
To be frank, I just say NO.
Those variables are usually taken on BSS region.
2017-04-17 3:16 AM
So what's the cause ?
The first task, the files can be played correctly but the next task,
it's only reading the file name and never played.
I don't understand why ??? variable memory allocation ? stack overflow ?
If I played without RTOS, it's working with all the directories and files.
2017-04-17 3:47 AM
Not being a specialist of RTOS, I guess RTOS tasks have their own individual pseudo stack size (properly sized up) or mecanics for variable visibility.
2017-04-17 8:53 AM
Doesn't it depend on where you allocate them and the scope?
If you don't want multiple threads treading on each other's data they should be local/auto