2011-08-24 3:17 AM
for my device I got the license key for my VID/PID and changed the STtub.inf, but now the DFU-driver is unsigned (because of the change). I use the same STTub30.sys-file, so I think a re-sign of the driver package must be possible (without the tests if the driver works correctly). Does anybody know about this possibility and perhaps also can tell me a company for resigning the driver and about the cost? Thanks Christian #dfu-driver-signed-unsigned #dfu-winqual-whql-dua2011-08-24 4:07 AM
That might be an overly optimistic view of Microsoft's WHQL process. It's been several years since I submitted a driver, but you did have to submit test results for Microsoft to countersign the driver/package. If you changed the .INF it would be the package signing, not the driver, that you want to address. Suggest you discuss your needs with Microsoft, they may be able to provide some direction or test partners.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff553976%28v=vs.85%29.aspx2011-08-31 12:22 AM
thanks for the replay. I asked in the Windows Developer Center forum and they told me that there are 2 possibilities:2011-09-01 8:24 AM
Hi Christian,
See Page 168 : ''Q: Who can make a reseller submission? '' from Winqual-WHQL help.
We are using that option for our customers to avoid huge investment of a DTM platform and we can re-sell to your company at Winqual our DFU driver. Only some fees are charged, But you should request to Microsoft that you are not changing the complete .inf file but only adding your PID/VID in the orginal STMicroelectronics certified driver.
We are planning to re-submit again our driver to WHQL for the latest WLK 1.6 by October 2011. but we include only our VID. Cheers, STOne-32.2011-09-15 5:55 AM
, like you wrote I created a company account on WinQual, but now I'm not sure what are the next steps. Do I have to upload the changed driver package first? Which file must be signed by me? Or do you only offer me to resell the driver package over Winqual and I have to accept it? Would it be better for me to wait until you have re-submitted the driver in October? Do I have to pay a fee to you or to Microsoft? Thanks for the help. This topic is totally new to me, so it is not easy to understand all correctly. Christian2012-01-12 11:37 AM
Any news on this process? WinQual tells me that ST needs to ''resell'' the main submission to my company before I can submit a DUA to them. Sure would be helpful if ST could document this process.