2014-09-25 3:38 AM
Hi all:
It's my first time working with MCU and got problem to implement USB MSC. I'm using the STM32F207 core and test with USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.0.0, msc sample code. After download the driver to my board, plug the USB cable. I got the ''usb device not recognized'' message from windows OS. I trace back the code, the usb interrupt is work and do reset and enumerate. But I don't capture the descriptor send from my board. I guess that's why the OS can't recognized my msc device. I'm confused that should I write my own code for descriptor and send it out, or there is something I miss to set with the sample code. Please give me a hint. #usb #stm322014-09-25 6:11 AM
You'd probably want to start with V2.1.0
What are you using as the storage medium? In my F2/F4 MSC's I've typically used an SDCard, but did build a RAM DISK version using the 8MB SDRAM on the STM32F429I-DISCO First obvious things to check for would be correct crystal settings, defines, and PLL configurations. ST has this annoying habit of using BYTE offset addressing for BLOCK devices, so you'll need to watch that.2014-09-25 10:52 PM
Dear sir:
Thanks for your prompt response. I would check the v.2.1.0 and software setting.I would like to build my board as a SD card reader. SincerelySteam Lin2014-09-26 9:40 AM
Ok, I've done this for the STM32F4-DISCO (and another F2 board of mine), the F4 and F2 are practically identical in this regard.
Posted info on wiring the MicroSD, and example MSC and FATFS code examples too.2014-10-01 12:18 AM