2011-05-31 5:13 AM
I want to change USB VID on our device. So VID is changed in DFU_DeviceDescriptor[] in usb_desc.c. Also, I changed DFU_StringVendor[], DFU_StringProduct and DFU_StringSerial[]. StringVendor = StringProduct, StringSerial = some letters and numbers Then I changed the STDFU.inf that is installed from UM0412.ZIP: - Replaced all ST VID (0483) with my own VID - Set ProviderName to company name (same as DFU_StringVendor above) - Set MfgName to company name (same as DFU_StringVendor above) - Set USB\VID_XXXX&PID_DF11_DeviceDesc to ''Device in FW upgrade mode'' Everything is working well if I don't change VID in any of the files. But as soon that is done Windows says the device can't be started, error = Code 10. Note that I'm very carefull to uninstall and remove all USB drivers and enumerations (windows/inf) before each try, so windows should not be confused (I think). Any Ideas anyone? I don't think it is a good idea if someone thinks our product comes from ST. Best regards Jens #stm32-dfu-usb2011-06-02 1:06 PM
When you install the DFU package in um0412.zip, the installer places this PDF in the doc folder.
C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\Software\DfuSe\Sources\Doc\UM0392.pdf
UM0392: DfuSe Application Programming Guide
Did you read this chapter?
2.4.1 Licence key
To prevent software piracy, STMicroelectronics has implemented a licence key mechanism for the Tube driver. This mechanism is based on the Vendor ID and the Product ID(s), extracted from the device(s). Contact your nearest sales office and give your Vendor ID and Product ID(s). In return you will get licence key(s), made up of 16 letters.
2011-06-10 5:25 AM
Thanks alot,
I don't know how I missed that. Thanks to you, our crew in China were able to press the button to produce the first 5000 units of our device with correct VID and PID. Best Regards Jens