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Move/change default reset location of STM32F765


We are trying to implement application which starts from location(eg. 0x0806 0000 of the flash) which other than default 0x0800 0000.

As per STM32F765 reference manual and AN2606 performed following steps,

  1. Switched to Dual bank mode of flash, nDBank = 0
  2. Enabled dual boot mode by nDBoot = 0
  3. nBoot0 pin is pulled low in the Hardware
  4. As nBoot0 pin is pulled low, Boot memory base address is defined by value hold by register BOOT_ADD0[15:0]
  5. Wanted to boot from flash at location 0x0806 0000. Hence putting value as 0x2018 into register BOOT_ADD0[15:0]. ( Value to be written in BOOT_ADD0[15:0] = Starting location(0x0806 0000) right shift by 14(divided by 16384)).
  6. In the linker file define symbol __ICFEDIT_intvec_start__ = 0x08060000

With above mentioned steps, when MCU is reset without running ST-Link, unable to execute code/unable to run application.

Am I missing any steps, could you help with this.
