2019-07-02 01:55 PM
Forgive me if this is a FAQ - but ST's website always confuses me...
I'm starting a project using a STM32F7 part (specifically: STM32F730R8Tx) and am looking for some sample code that can read/write a USB mass storage device.
Ideally, I'd like to use the new STM32CubeIDE tool - but I'll adapt to whatever I can find.
2019-07-02 03:40 PM
Most examples would be under the DISCO/EVAL Applications directories in the CubeF7 package. Unpack there are a huge number of HAL examples. You might have to do some slight porting for specific devices/boards.
2019-07-08 02:56 PM
Thanks. There is, in fact, a USB Host application there - specifically in ...\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.15.0\Projects\STM32F7308-DISCO\Applications\USB_Host
Of course, the project is for Keil and I don't have a license for STM32F7 work.
Does anyone have instructions on how I might convert this project to the new STM32CubeIDE?
2019-07-08 04:46 PM
If it doesn't provide direct import methods you should be able to construct a project pulling in the library source files, USB core and MSC files, and a GNU startup file.
The Keil project file is XML ASCII
2019-07-10 08:35 AM
Well, nothing I tried seemed to work well - so my approach will be to generate a new project using the IDE and drop in sections of code from the example. Hopefully, that will give me what I want without being too much work...