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ISSUE with STSAFE_Provisioning project in X-cube_AWS

Associate II

hi i am trying to run AWS_DEMOS project on b-l4s5i-iot01 board. i build stsafe_provisioning project but got the error mentioned below after the programming the image.

i could use some help. build doesn't throw any errors. and i haven't changed anything in the source code. x-cube-aws(2.0.0)

Start provisioning of STSAFE-A

Force STSAFE-A provisioning

Launching STSAFE-A provisioning

Check if Pairing Host keys available

Provisioning OK

Erase Data : NOK !!!!

Now Store Certificate STM_POC_SBSFU_ROOT_TEST_CA_00 inside STSAFE

Store Data NOK !!!!

Now Store Data using HAL_Store_Data

Now Store Certificate STM_POC_SBSFU_OEM_TEST_CA_00 inside STSAFE

Store Data NOK !!!!

End provisioning of STSAFE

Store Data NOK !!!!

Now Store Data using HAL_Store_Data

Now Store Certificate STM_POC_SBSFU_OEM_TEST_CA_00 inside STSAFE

Store Data NOK !!!!

End provisioning of STSAFE

ST Employee


a possible source of error is the flash bank configuration of the STM32L4S5 MCU.

It is set in the DBANK option, which can be edited by the STM32CubeProgrammer tool.

X-CUBE-AWS v2.0.0 requires that the DBANK option is enabled (= dual bank).

X-CUBE-AWS v2.1.x and v2.2.x require that the DBANK option is disabled (= single bank).