2021-11-04 8:34 AM
Hello, I'm quite a newbie and I'm sorry if I don't understand something simple :\
STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0, STM32CubeMX 6.3.0
I would like to make a simple synthesizer on STM32F769I-DISCO. Right now I managed to modify the example repository "STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.16.1->Projects->STM32...->Exaples>BSP" to send some sound through Line Out.
I noticed, that the example uses the "stm32f769i_discovery_audio.c" driver, and I think it would be perfect for my purpose, but I can't create a new project containing this file. I tried to simply create a new one and copy a driver file along with its dependencies, but I get a lot of errors during Build. Some of them require another HAL_Driver dependencies, but copying them from the example project doesn't solve the problem.
How to create a new project with a possibility to send data to Line Out like in the example project, but without other functionalities?
2021-11-04 8:37 AM
I'm also open for other possibilities/ideas on how to start working on my project. I tried many tutorials, but I always fail e.x. https://m-w-bochniewicz.medium.com/first-steps-in-music-synthesis-and-stm32-610bb674139 makes my board stuck on SystemClock_Config().
Thank you for all your replies and advice.
2021-11-04 8:46 AM
I didn't want to make my question long, so here is some additional info:
I would like to make a synthesizer with a touch screen GUI. You would be able to change the basic wave, modify it, add filters, etc. Right now I don't have a specific plan.
I managed to edit the example demo "AUDIO RECORD AND PLAY" to comment the recording part and to send sound data in the buffer. I mixed some code from the link above this message and generated two triangular waves, which switch after time. I would like to code other modifications and use them via touch screen. I would probably like to save some data on SD Card or other ideas.
I'm very excited but I'm stuck at something (probably) basic. I'd appreciate some help.