2023-01-01 05:53 AM
I am trying this example on my STM32F769I-DISCO. I followed the given tutorial for adding the dependecy. wm8994 is in ../Components/wm8994/wm8994.h.
But when building the code I am getting
../stm32disco/test2_audioread/Debug/../Core/Src/main.c:1263: undefined reference to `wm8994_drv'
Tutorial link : https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32StepByStep:Getting_started_with_analog
Edit: When I looked the header file it is defined as extern. So it may be a problem how it can be resolved.
/* Audio driver structure */
extern AUDIO_DrvTypeDef wm8994_drv;
#endif /* __WM8994_H */
2023-01-02 12:05 AM
Hello @HTiwa.3 ,
Make sure your project contains the include libraries pathing set up correctly with the dependencies.
So, you need to set up correctly the "Include Paths" for the project.