2014-06-12 6:15 PM
Dear All,
Am I allowed to propose a job offer here ? It is about doing a FW for STM32F407 based on STM32Cube with a gcc toolchain, so fully relative to this forum.If not, where could I find company or people proposing such service (FW dev) ?I have an important project that need to use this processor, and I have no time to develop software and doing hardware in such short time, so I would like to give software to some freelancer or specialized company, in order to save time.Thanks for your quick reply. #lmgtfy #stm32f407-usb-camera-wifi2014-06-13 5:04 AM
ST maintains a list of consultants and contractors.
2014-06-15 7:04 PM
2014-06-16 6:59 AM
Hi GPTechinno,
How to contact you?2014-06-17 7:43 AM
Hi GPTechinno,
Could you please provide your contact to help you?2014-06-17 8:26 AM
Maybe it's an IQ test?
Georges Palauqui g.palauqui@gptechinno.com