2011-03-06 8:50 PM
I've got FreeRTOS running on the STM32 Discovery board. I've also added a bunch of demo code to get the UART working, sampling analog-to-digital using DMA, and a SPI / DMA based graphic LCD. The blue LED on the Discovery board fading up, and down, is the best part of all (IMO). It looks just like the Apple logo fading up and down. Anyway, a couple of links are below. The web pages have a bunch of pictures. Plus, all the source code is provided as a download zip. Just unzip into a directory and then tell TrueStudio the directory is a ''Workspace''. There is a single project called ''Copper'' in the directory. You should be good to go. http://ph-elec.com/content/copper-freertos http://ph-elec.com/content/copper-gets-lcd http://ph-elec.com/content/another-copper-lcd Happy Hacking, Jim #freertos2011-03-08 1:14 PM
I went to the links, but see no zip files.
2011-03-08 3:48 PM
Never mind. I logged in and got the zip package.
2011-03-08 6:33 PM
Sorry for the hassle, I didn't know a login was required. I'll see if I can do something about that for other folks. Jim