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Can't blink LED with HAL

Associate II

Hey all,

I have a 32F469IDISCOVERY BOARD that I'm trying to use with CubeIDE, and all I'm trying to do right now is blink an LED with the HAL.

Starting from a new project, all periherals are initialized with their default settings.

In the User Code 3 loop, all I'm going is adding this code:


Which should, apparently, blink an LED. Unfortunately, nothing is happening. If I set the default mode to High or Low in the Cube configuration, I can get it to stay on or stay off--but can't manipluate it all all with code.

Again, this is with a 100% fresh project and all the manufacture peripheral settings.

Any help is appreciated. I must be missing something simple. Thanks!


Use the debugger, figure out if it is stuck, determine what is happening.

Make sure the SysTick is firing if that's what advances the HAL_Tick

Not really a fan of CubeMX or CubeIDE, so can't provide much direction there.

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Thanks. How can I check if Systick is firing?

What is your recommended toolchain alternative to CubeIDE?