2016-02-22 7:58 AM
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to make the CAN working on my board, I use a STM32F103, with the HAL example, (cube F1). I did init as the example, I'm using the same pin PB8 & PB9. I calculate the baudrate to be at 250kBits Like other I do see CAN trace on the output in loopback mode, nothing in Normal. I do have a 120Ohm resistor, I can see trace on PEAKCAN in loopback, not in Normal. Can_Init(void) { CAN_FilterConfTypeDef sFilterConfig; HAL_CAN_DeInit(&CanHandle); /*♯♯-1- Configure the CAN peripheral ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/ CanHandle.Instance = CANx; CanHandle.pTxMsg = &TxMessage; CanHandle.pRxMsg = &RxMessage; CanHandle.Init.TTCM = DISABLE; CanHandle.Init.ABOM = DISABLE; CanHandle.Init.AWUM = DISABLE; CanHandle.Init.NART = DISABLE; CanHandle.Init.RFLM = DISABLE; CanHandle.Init.TXFP = ENABLE; CanHandle.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK;//CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK;//CAN_MODE_NORMAL; CanHandle.Init.SJW = CAN_SJW_1TQ; CanHandle.Init.BS1 = CAN_BS1_14TQ; CanHandle.Init.BS2 = CAN_BS2_3TQ; CanHandle.Init.Prescaler = 16; /* 72 000 / 250 = 288 (250k)*/ /* 288 / 16 = 18 (16 as random)*/ /* 18-1 = 17 (-1 as datasheet)*/ /* 17 * 0.875 = 14 -> BS1 (0.875 needed for canOPEN)*/ /* 17-14 = 3 -> BS2*/ CANx_FORCE_RESET(); CANx_RELEASE_RESET(); if (HAL_CAN_Init(&CanHandle) != HAL_OK) { /* Initiliazation Error */ trace_Send(0, ''HAL_CAN_Init !''); } /*♯♯-2- Configure the CAN Filter ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/ sFilterConfig.FilterNumber = 0; sFilterConfig.FilterMode = CAN_FILTERMODE_IDMASK; sFilterConfig.FilterScale = CAN_FILTERSCALE_32BIT; sFilterConfig.FilterIdHigh = 0x0000; sFilterConfig.FilterIdLow = 0x0000; sFilterConfig.FilterMaskIdHigh = 0x0000; sFilterConfig.FilterMaskIdLow = 0x0000; sFilterConfig.FilterFIFOAssignment = 0; sFilterConfig.FilterActivation = ENABLE; sFilterConfig.BankNumber = 0; if (HAL_CAN_ConfigFilter(&CanHandle, &sFilterConfig) != HAL_OK) { /* Filter configuration Error */ trace_Send(0, ''HAL_CAN_ConfigFilter !''); } /*♯♯-3- Configure Transmission process ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/ CanHandle.pTxMsg->StdId = 0x321; CanHandle.pTxMsg->ExtId = 0x01; CanHandle.pTxMsg->RTR = CAN_RTR_DATA; CanHandle.pTxMsg->IDE = CAN_ID_STD; CanHandle.pTxMsg->DLC = 8; CanHandle.pTxMsg->Data[0]= 0x30; CanHandle.pTxMsg->Data[1]= 0x31; CanHandle.pTxMsg->Data[2]= 0x32; CanHandle.pTxMsg->Data[3]= 0x33; CanHandle.pTxMsg->Data[4]= 0x34; CanHandle.pTxMsg->Data[5]= 0x35; CanHandle.pTxMsg->Data[6]= 0x36; CanHandle.pTxMsg->Data[7]= 0x37; } void HAL_CAN_MspInit(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct; /*♯♯-1- Enable peripherals and GPIO Clocks ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/ CANx_GPIO_CLK_ENABLE(); CANx_CLK_ENABLE(); /* Enable AFIO clock and Remap CAN PINs to PB8 and PB9*******/ CANx_AFIO_REMAP_CLK_ENABLE(); CANx_AFIO_REMAP_RX_TX_PIN(); /*♯♯-2- Configure peripheral GPIO ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/ /* CAN1 TX GPIO pin configuration */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = CANx_TX_PIN; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;//GPIO_PULLUP;GPIO_NOPULL HAL_GPIO_Init(CANx_TX_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStruct); /* CAN1 RX GPIO pin configuration */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = CANx_RX_PIN; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP;//GPIO_PULLUP;GPIO_NOPULL HAL_GPIO_Init(CANx_RX_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStruct); /*♯♯-3- Configure the NVIC ♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯♯*/ /* NVIC configuration for CAN1 Reception complete interrupt */ HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(CANx_RX_IRQn, 1, 0); HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(CANx_RX_IRQn); } void Can_Send(void) { if(HAL_CAN_Transmit(&CanHandle, 800)){ trace_Send(0, ''CAN Error''); } else{ trace_Send(0, ''CAN Send''); } } I call can_send from the main every 1 sec, and I get the trace ''CAN Send'' in loopback, and ''CAN Error'' in normal. Any help will be appreciated. #can-no-data-loopback-normal #no-hablo-hal2016-02-22 8:33 AM
Normal mode requires a responding node in the network in addition to your board, loopback does not.
2016-02-22 9:07 AM
So plug the STM with a peakCAN wont work ?
Not even one frame will be sent though the CAN TX pin ?2016-02-22 9:53 AM
I don't know, is it designed to be non-invasive and transparent?
2016-02-22 10:44 PM
PCAN is active and has a 120Ohm on the end,
I can send messages to simulate data ''from'' and ''to'' the CAN node. This ''installation'' is working with another STM32F105 Connectivity line. Plus I have a oscilloscope (Picoscope) and this one as you can imagine is ''transparent'' without interfering on CAN.