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STM32L431 can not be debugged; SWD communication failure?

Associate III

Hello all,

I am using STM32L431 in this project, and I have made a prototyping board for it. However, the MCU will not communicate with the debugger.

Below is MCU part of schematic:

0693W00000WJybNQAT.pngOnly SWDIO and SWCLK are connected to the debugger. The MCU is powered seperately by an on board LDO.

Error message:


I tried to reset by pressing S1 after powering up, but that did not work.

I initially left VDDA unconnected to 3V3 while all VDDs are connected to 3V3, by not mouting ​BEAD L1. Now the L1 pads are shorted with solder. Could this have damaged the MCU?

Power supply schematic:

0693W00000WJydTQAT.pngThe typical design of this LDO suggested using output capacitor of 1uF, while I am using 4.7. However, they did mention that using output capacitors larger than 1uF is possible.

Please help! Thanks in advance!


Hello @Jaroslav JANOS​,

Thanks for the reply.

This is a cheap debugger from China, it only comes with SWD. This debugger has been used with their STM32L431 development board without any problems. We are going to order a ST-Link, but it might not be the debugger's fault.

Best regards,
