2021-03-29 2:24 AM
I have a STLINK-V3Mini and STM32G081KB, on the board I have 4 connector pins (VCC, SWDIO, SWCLK and GND). SWDIO is connected to PA13 and SWCLK to PA14, as standed in RM SW debug port pins. VCC is connected on 3.3V.
On the other side, I took 4 pins (3-VCC, 4-SWDIO, 5-GND and 6-SWCLK) as noted in STDC14 connector pinout CN5 for V3Mini.
MCU is brand new and there is no any code on it.
Where did I made a mistake so I can't get a connection with my board. I tried to use STM32CubeProgrammer just to get target information, but it says no STM32 find.
2021-03-29 6:37 AM
Is the target voltage reported correctly? What "Mode" and "Reset mode" are you using?
You can try it with "STM32 ST-LINK Utility", in target settings check that the mode is normal and reset mode is software system reset, "STM32CubeProgrammer" is still quite buggy, at least in my experience. I have also found that STLINK-V3 is more sensitive to signal integrity issues than V2 so if you can, check your signals with the scope.
2021-03-30 1:17 AM
Still nothing. I checked my voltage, it is constant 3.3V. I tried with normal and SSR mode both on Utility and Progammer, still not detecting MCU. Don't have a scope to check signals.