2015-12-29 8:45 AM
I have spent some time on playing with this board and I am able to program it and debug it using the on-board st-link programmer. As we are planning to build a custom board based on STM32L152xE chip we wanted to access the STM32L152RE chip via ST-LINK/V2 ISOL programmer/debugger. ( http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM146/CL1984/SC1046/SS1680/PF251168).Following the nucleo board user manual I removed both jumpers from connector CN2, powered nucleo board from external 5V source, placed jumper to JP5:2-3 and wired up MCU VDD, SWDIO, SWDCLK, SWO, NRST and GND to the ST-LINK/V2 ISOL programmer.Using STM32 ST-LINK Utility I am able to connect to the chip, read out the flash, chip ID, rev ID, etc. However, if I try to program the chip I am getting the following errors: Elf Loader could not be transfered to device.Change 'Target/Settings/Connetion' mode to <<Connect Under Reset>> and Try again.Can not connect to device!ST-LINK/V2 ISOL programmer/debugger firmware version is V2J21S4 ( the latest from stm website). I have tried older versions with the same result.Interestingly, I tried to access the Nucleo-RE board via STM32L-Discovery on-board st-link programmer and that one works OK without any issues. I can read and write the flash.As we will be using ST-LINK/V2 ISOL programmer/debugger for all development we need to get it working reliably.Can anyone help? Your help is highly appreciated. Ideally if anyone from ST can point me to the solution that would be great. It is either ST-LINK/V2 ISOL programmer issue or we are doing something wrong.Thank youDan #st-link/v2-isol-programmer/debug2015-01-12 4:15 AM
Problem solved. ST-LINK/V2 pin3 in SWD mode is GND(2) and must be connected to the target board ground. I had a connection to pin 4 only.
(2) Manual says ''Connect to GND for noise reduction on the ribbon.''2015-12-29 9:05 AM
This is primarily a User forum, ST doesn't generally provide a lot of support here, but rather through their FAE network.
You want to make sure everything on the Nucleo-ST-LINK side if fully disconnected. Decide if snapping the board sections apart is the easiest way to achieve this. Get the most current firmware (the package contains multiple targeted images)http://developer.mbed.org/teams/ST/wiki/Nucleo-Firmware
2015-12-29 9:10 AM
Hi Clive1,
thank you for your prompt reply. The point is if it works from stm32l-discovery it should work from the ST-LINK/V2 ISOL programmer, at least in theory. ThanksDan2015-12-29 9:11 AM
2015-12-29 9:25 AM
Then you'll perhaps want to ponder how the drivers on the ST-LINK/ISOL are being powered, and how that buffering functions compared to the unbuffered discovery/nucleo implementation.