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Is it possible to flash STM32G030J6M6 microcontroller using only 4 pins(3V3 in pin2; GND in pin3; TX in pin 1 and RX in Pin 8?


Good morning,

I am using STM32G030J6M6 in an application where i am reading a sensor by I2C(SDA pin 6, SCL pin 5) and sending data though uart (TX pin 1, RX pin 8).

To flash/reflash the program i need use test points for pins 2,3,4,7 and 8 (Vcc, GND, RST, SWDIO, SWCLK).

I would like to know if it could be possible to flash the sw trought UART using only available pins 2,3,1 and 8 (3v3, GND, RX, TX). If so, is there any application note or example where I could understnad how to?

Thank you very much for your support. Best regards,



> I would like to know if it could be possible to flash the sw trought UART using only available pins 2,3,1 and 8 (3v3, GND, RX, TX).

No, that's not one of the bootloader options available for the STM32G0xx per AN2606.

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