2014-05-05 6:37 AM
I am using your stsw-m24sr001 firmware with a M24SR (from the M24SR matrix antenna) and a STM32F4-discovery with a STm32F407VG. I have many problems to use the functions of lib_ M24SR.c. When I use the M24SR_Initialization(), the program always stops here in the drv_I2C_M24SR.c : while ((!I2C_CheckEvent(M24SR_I2C, I2C_EVENT_MASTER_TRANSMITTER_MODE_SELECTED)) && M24SR_Timeout)/* EV6 */ { if (--M24SR_Timeout == 0) goto Error; } I found by uncommenting &sharpdefine USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 in the stm32f4xx_conf.h I fixed the problem but I don't understand why. I think this could be a question of delay but i'm not sure. Can you give some details ? Thx #debug-mode #m24srSolved! Go to Solution.
2014-06-02 3:01 AM
We indeed have noticed sometimes debug mode activation generates some unexpected effects, due to the fact that real time is no longer in action. But my understanding is the problem you are mentioning no longer happens in run mode. So I also tend to concur with the fact it is due to a question of delay / timing.Have a nice day,
Best regards, ST NFC/RFID Dynamic tag support2014-05-14 7:12 AM
2014-06-02 3:01 AM
We indeed have noticed sometimes debug mode activation generates some unexpected effects, due to the fact that real time is no longer in action. But my understanding is the problem you are mentioning no longer happens in run mode. So I also tend to concur with the fact it is due to a question of delay / timing.Have a nice day,
Best regards, ST NFC/RFID Dynamic tag support