2025-03-03 7:53 AM
Is there an alternative to platformTimer functions? I started with 6 timers and am currently at 32, Somehow eventually it uses up all the timers and stops working. It seems like the timers are not destroyed when the NFC is deactivated.
Below is my application, Please suggest to me if there is a better way to implement this
My application at a high level:
My current implementation is based on /ST25NFC_Embedded_Lib_ST25R3916(B)_1.7.0/Projects/STM32L476RG-Nucleo/Applications/Common/Src/demo_edta.c.
2025-03-03 9:21 AM
I would suggest to use FreeRTOS_polling demo from the ST25NFC_Embedded_Lib_ST25R3916(B)_1.7.0. The plf_adaptation.c file gives a implementation of the timer management for FreeRTOS for the platformTimerXxxx fucntions-like macros.