2024-04-12 5:07 PM
I'm using NFC reader chip ST25R3916 and the library STSW-ST25R016 on a Nucleo 64 dev board. To get started I compiled the polling example. I want to be able to detect and activate 2 tags, one after the other. In demo_polling.c, I changed discParam.devLimit to 2. After that change, will it detect that it has two tags on the reader. It will select the first tag in the device list and print the ID for that tag.
what I want to figure it is, once it detects the first tag(NFC V), it should start P2P communication with the second tag, and continue to maintain it, until the first tag says otherwise.
2024-04-14 11:11 PM
with NFC-V tags you can alternatingly communicate to them using the addressed mode and their UID. No need to deactivate one and activate the other, etc.
Technically there is no P2P (would mean either tag2tag or reader2reader).
BR, Ulysses
2024-04-15 8:03 AM
Apologies! I should have been more clear, the st253916B should first detect the nfc V card, and then P2P communication should take place between both the st25s. Right now, it detects both, but once it does P2P communication is enabled but the communication doesn't take place
2024-04-16 11:23 PM
still not really clear what exactly you want to achieve... Or what your problem is ("but the communication doesn't take place" - which communication?).
In general you cannot just alternate between frames sent to a peer reader and frames sent to an NFC-V tag.
For such an unconventional approach we don't have a solution ready and I think you will need to dive into the protocols in question (Active (?) P2P and NFC-V protocol) and device an architecture how this should operate.
BR, Ulysses