2020-09-15 8:18 AM
Hi, I used the VIPER012HS controller following the non-isolated flyback scheme proposed by the tool design suit (which is the same by the datasheet) but after making the pcb I get a reset problem with the 230VAC mains voltage. I tried to input a direct voltage of 200VDC to the diode bridge and the controller works. over 200VDC the controller resets continuously. I am attaching the reference schemes (the scheme proposed by the tool design suite and my scheme). I tried the same scheme as mine with ltspice with all the correct models and it works correctly. I checked if there are any problems or shorts on the PCB and everything is ok. I can't figure out where the error lies. did I forget to evaluate any important specifications? thanks, Paolo
2021-03-16 5:58 AM
I have a similar problem with a viper16 buck topologie. My test board works fine with 150 VDC, but at 200 VDC continously resets every second. For the 50 ms the regulation is fine.
@PLi P.1 Do you have found a soloution for your problem?
2021-03-18 2:37 AM
OK, i think i got a solution.
when i attach small capacitors (1nF) to FB and LIM pins, the controler works fine up to 700 VDC.
i think my problem is, that i had a GND plane on the bottom and the routing of the floating switched nets was not short enough.
best regards