2019-05-14 3:13 AM
Hi, I'm evaluating the STM6600 on/off controller. My application has a 2-series LiPo battery with a voltage range of 6 to 8.4V, so I need to put a voltage divider before VCC as described in AN3271. The calculations for the divider provided in that document tell me I should use 22K and 34K resistors to get the recommended 100uA current through the divider.. However, when I use these values and press the power button, EN doesn't go high (I use an EN active high STM6600), instead VCC goes down from 3.4V to about 2.8V. When I use resistor values 10 times as low (2.2K / 3.4K) it works fine, but this means the standby time of my application becomes ten times as low. What can be the cause of this? I am evaluating on a breadboard with the STM6600 on a DFN to DIP breakout.