2013-04-15 8:30 AM
Am having this error, #error ''Please select first the Evaluation board used in your application (in Project Options)'' i commented /* #define STM32F427X */ in STM32F44XX.h but i still have this error , how can i fix it. Thanks2013-08-27 9:08 AM
to use the STM32F40G-Eval is not required to modify any line of code. Just use the ST MC Workbench with the example project that you find in the MC Lib in Utilities\WB_Projects\SDK3xx or in the WB installation folder WB_Projects\SDK3xx. Generate the .h file in the ''System & Drive Params'' folder. Open \Project\EWARM\STM32F4xx_Workspace.eww select the configuration STM32F40G-Eval and do the batch build. Usually this should work. Ciao