2009-01-02 6:19 AM
stm32 bldc position controller
2011-05-17 1:15 AM
i have a new project that suits for stm32. in this project for pieces of stm32 drives four different brushless dc motor.The main problem is four motors works with a position control rules. this device isa rehabilitation gait orthesis acts as human walk. But we dont need balance mechanics.
in order to control four motors via time based position controller i need bldc firmware control for setpoint controlled pd algorithm examples even for speed or torque control. My systems main feedback information is acting forces between human and linear actuator.Because motors must produce power in case human force is low. this means assist as needed control strategy is needed to control motors though position control strategy remains. i know there is too many hard to do with stm32 bu in theory stm32' s performance is sufficinet for this job. End system looks like that an active leg exoskeleton. But we use bldc motors . if there is volunteers to support this project thanks for all.Because we need childrens(who can not walk) to get ability to walk using gait therapy orthesis like the system we develop. This method is a novel controller strategy wtihrespect to assist as needed control algorithm developed by me:) [ This message was edited by: muratterzi on 05-01-2009 17:49 ]