2024-02-28 8:10 PM
Hi ST support team,
My query is related to interpreting MOSFET datasheet info for switching info. I am an Applications Engineer at Synopsys Saber team. MAny of our automotive customers use MOSFETs from ST. We help them to model the MOSFET in Saber tool using our Power MOSFET tool and datasheet info.
Can you help to interpret the switching characteristics data.
1) Is the load inductive or resistive ?
2) voltage or current is used to measure the rise and fall times?
My interpretation is that if tf is shown after td(on), it is likely that you have measured the fall time of the voltage at turn-on.
If tr is shown after td(don), it is likely that you have measured the rise time of the current at turn-on.
If tf is shown after td(on) AND it is called “rise time”, It is confusing? How to interpret these.?
Hemalatha M
Applications Engineer, Staff
Synopsys Saber Team