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X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1 expansion board wrong GPS location

Associate II


I have two X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1 expansion boards.

I powered on the first board, and connected to UART port. I can read GPS messages from the board. GPS location is good. (I got GPRMC and GPGGA, GPGLL, etc.) I don't know what I did. Somehow NMEA messages report zero gps locations (0.0 N, 0.0 E). the UTC time stamp seems good.

Then I replaced with the second board, it reports GPS position (somewhere in Italy). It shall report as in New York.

Is it required to setup or configure the GPS micro firmware? Or it needs to select which satellite to use? No clue. Hope someone can help.

Thank you,



Should work out of the box.

Make sure you can measure a DC bias on the RF feed as this will be needed to power the antenna. Put the antenna outside, with a clear view of the sky.

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