2006-12-06 07:08 AM
Which tooling is the most suitable to promote to customer?
2006-12-04 06:37 AM
Dear all,
Which tooling (JLINK / RLINK / Wrigglerboard) My concerns are ... 1) ST Software support (Which tooling is ST now mostly using to develop reference code?) 2) Tooling can operate with famous Environment (seems every tooling have its environment, eg IAR have EWARM, ARM officialy owned Keil..... which environment is better? same as question 1, which is ST using the most?)2006-12-06 07:08 AM
There is no preffered Tool ( it depends your applications requirements/ Software debugging / Cost and of course last but not least your habit)The reference code have only to be ANSI-C or C++ and and this is supported by most of tools. PS : My preferred tools are IAR :) and Keil :) Regards,