2005-04-01 2:55 AM
2005-03-30 10:35 PM
We use a ST62T60C6 to measure voltage on its CAN from a photodiode sensitive to infrared light. Sometimes, probably due to electromagnetic interferences, the microcontroller locks in a state in which it consumes something as 180mA. Then it is not able to acomplish any of its tasks, its oscillator doesn't work. Even a reset signal doesn't manage to restart it. It must be turned off before working good again.
[ Ce message a ete modifié par : : GIELLEM on 31-03-2005 12:08 ]2005-04-01 2:55 AM
This is probably a latch-up. You are pulling a port pin below Gnd or above Vcc with a higher current. If you do not limit the supply current during this state you destroy your uC.
Have a look on the maximum ratings in the datasheet. Best regards