2010-09-06 1:00 PM
2011-05-17 1:01 AM
Well, I faced the same issue few months ago, after spending several months to try to fit my application in a STR911 (the documentation is so bad!), and afeter that, there was no more chip available at Digikey, Mouser, RS, Farnell and so on...
I switched to a Cortex-M3 (LPC1768 in fact), that surpass all STR9 characteristics and ported my current development to this µC within 3 weeks. It seems that the STR9 is the ''vilain petit canard'' but nobody at ST want to admit that fact, it islike they make it out of stock to push people to quit with this device.2011-05-17 1:01 AM
While I can't speak to the specific availability of the part in question, availability of stock on many semiconductor and electronic parts is pushing 12+ weeks, and manufactures are just building to order, with little speculative production. Customer manufacturers are holding little stock, ordering ahead, and buying components on the spot market when available. DigiKey/Mouser etc hold low volumes of parts (generally for people who don't buy reels, and pay a 2X premium), and people with actual demand place orders to the factory so they will get an allocation. The secondary factor is that visible stock tends to be bought up quickly for desirable parts by brokers doing arbitrage.
The number I'm seeing from my ST supplier is 16 week factory lead time on the STR911FAM44.