2023-10-24 6:06 AM
buon giorno a tutti sapreste indicarmi che tipologia di diodo è questo l'unica cosa e che è bidirezionale per il resto non riesco a trovare nessun datascheet
2023-10-24 6:11 AM
2023-10-24 7:06 AM
Looks like it's a SMBJ13CA based on the BBF marking. TVS diode.
2023-10-25 1:39 AM
Translating for the public:
Title: Identification of this diode
Message: good morning everyone, could you tell me what type of diode this is the only thing is that it is bidirectional otherwise I cannot find any datascheets.
2023-10-25 12:04 PM
Hi @Imerio
The forum moderator had marked your post as needing a little more investigation and direct support. An online support case has been created on your behalf, please stand by for just a moment and you will hear from us.
If anyone else has similar types of questions, please feel free to open a support case directly at http://my.st.com/ols
2023-10-27 9:18 AM - edited 2023-10-27 10:10 AM
Please just move the thread to the appropriate sub-forum (not About - Feedback forum), it's been answered, so doesn't need to be moved to the shadow-forum.
Given the number of these types of posts perhaps we want a "Identify my Part" sub-forum? Of have a web searchable page with the Diode Markings vs Part Number so these thing can be solved organically for 95% of the user-space.
2023-10-27 10:01 AM
I feel like sometimes my replies are just completely ignored. Clearly that is the diode in question. Same package, same marking in the datasheet. Why does this need flagged for additional investigation? Does it not count because the reply is not in Italian?
Sembra che sia un SMBJ13CA in base alla marcatura BBF. Diodo TVS.
2023-10-27 10:12 AM
No, that is not the case at all! I apologize that you take our responses like that.
We just have a process, and when a forum moderator "flags" a post, it creates an internal Support case for our team. So I (we) just follow the process set in place and answer directly, regardless of what answers before, or after are given.
Here, I will even show you, in this case I both mentioned you and gave you some credit :)
2023-10-27 10:12 AM
Well not completely...
2023-10-27 10:23 AM
Hi @Billy OWEN , thanks. I can see your initial response was in response to the post being flagged, but I didn't see why it would need to be flagged in the first place. Maybe it was flagged before I responded? I'm not sure, it's not a big deal.
The whole "posts being flagged" is a little confusing. Why are some posts flagged and not others? Just what a forum moderator thinks should be answered when passing through? There are a lot of unanswered questions lately. Probably ST is just trying to have more of a role in the forum, and roles and responsibilities are a bit ambiguous.
Thanks for the reply and cheers.