2005-11-21 1:49 AM
2011-05-17 3:09 AM
I am having trouble writing an IAP routine. I have broken up the software where I can run completely out of boot flash while paging main flash into a 4K segment of xdata. What I find is that most of the data is correct but many times additions 1's are left in the data.
When I upload data from the process's flash memory to the computer to check what I have done, what order does it come up in? I can't find the documentation on how the uploaded file is structured. I also want to know about the quick program unlock and lock functions. Note 2 in the PSD manual claims that you must use an even address when they don't specify a direct address( 0xaaa or 0x555). Is this true on the 3300 series? Could not doing this cause my problem with some bits not being changed to zeros? Does anyone have a working example of the lock/unlock quick program mode?