2006-01-12 3:32 PM
2006-01-12 12:26 AM
Hello everyone,
I have some troubles to do R/W on a I2c, FRAM. I know that my post have been send on this subject but no answer solved my problem. I am using a driver tested on an EEPROM at 100Khz and we just change it to a FRAM running at 400Khz. I use the V1.2 of I2c given by ST + I removed bug on ((FCLK/Clock)-9)/3;.. also I don't use the RCCU function and I forced FCLK = 48000000; I am currently using a STR710Fz2H6BGA144 with a FM24CL16G. Do you have any pointers ? thank you, pierre [ This message was edited by: fmeunier on 13-01-2006 05:00 ]2006-01-12 3:32 PM
I found the problem. In I2C, I removed a wait at the end of the writting and even if the FRAM is quick, there is still a need for a wait... pierre