2012-02-21 2:01 AM
I want to design with ALTAIR04 in the software, but the input voltage must be less than 350V, I want to know that
it means ALTAIR04 can’t be designed in a input of 440V AC?, or it’s only the limit of the software ?
2012-02-21 2:48 AM
Hi Peter,
first of all thanks for your interest in eDesignStudio. Up to now, ALTAIR04-900 design on eDesignStudio supports input voltage lower than 350V, but we are working so that it can sustain ultra wide-range operations. You'll find this updating in next release. Meanwhile, you can check application note AN3290 (http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/APPLICATION_NOTE/CD00286662.pdf), where, at page 29, it's described how to modify standard schematic, as that provided by eDS, so that it can sustain even greater input voltages. Best regards, eDesignStudio team member2012-02-21 6:20 PM
Hi Patrizia
thanks for your quick response. I have seen the application note, expect the updated softwareBest Regards