2003-10-29 8:58 PM
How using the 16-bit adressing RAM
2003-10-29 12:53 AM
I use the ST72C334 with 512 bytes RAM.
The assembler gives error when i using the 16 bytes adressing RAM. Error 84: Byte Size label has val > 255! (need WORDS?) '.buffout'When i intialise buffout as words, i get other errors Error 54: Can't match Addressing mode ' CLR buffout'So, how can i use the 16 bit adressing RAM like a 8 bit adressing RAM? Moppie2003-10-29 8:58 PM
If you look at the info on clr function, it only works for short addressing.
The way to clear the variable would be: clr A ld buffout, A Not all functions support the long addressing mode. Regards sjo