2007-07-14 6:26 AM
2007-01-24 8:42 PM
Any resources or libraries available to interface the str7 with an mmc/sd card?
thanks.2007-01-29 5:33 AM
There is an example implementing a MMC/SD card driver developped for the IAR-STR750-SK evaluation board. you can find this example in the install directory of the ''IAR Embedded Workbench '' . Hope this helps you. Regards.2007-02-26 11:05 PM
There is also some open source code I have recently emailed the project manager as I have created an STR9 port. But it would be very easy to add STR7 support. Martin.2007-03-14 2:51 AM
can u send me the port files or a link to them.
the port for str microcontrollers is not available in sourceforge.net2007-03-19 10:47 AM
thanks for the replies,
i ended up using FatFs http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html i took the avr sample, and just changed the mmc driver to work with my str7 spi. this was a simple quick solution to get a mmc driver and fat file system all in one.2007-04-02 2:14 AM
Could you put the MMC file for the STR710 on this forum?
Best Regards Frank Andersen2007-04-12 7:53 AM
hi frank,
i hav put the file system port in ''arm9 str9'' forum. i hope it can be modified easily for str7 bye vikram2007-07-14 6:26 AM
Hi everybody,
I try to modify FATFS to work with STR71 but I do something wrong and it's not working. Does anybody have a working version? I would be very grateful. Regards, Matthew