2004-10-04 8:42 PM
2004-09-30 2:04 AM
Hello everybody,
I got a problem with the AXF files produced by the eval-license of the ST-Preview edition of RVDS. After our eval-license expired we bought the full version of RVDS2.1 from ARM. Now I can´t load the axf-files produced by the older ST-version into the STR710. I get the following error: C:\ARM\STR71x\Projects\I2C-Demo\Debug\I2C-Demo.axf is not correct object type. I even can´t load the demo-application from the ST-website anymore. So, does anyone know if there are any differences between the axf-files of RVDS2.0 an RVDS2.1?The header of the old and the new axf-files seems to be different. Or is it something ST-specific? Here the first bytes of a RVDS2.0-file: F7 4F 52 43 01 01 01 and here the first bytes of a RVDS2.1 file: 7F 45 4C 46 01 01 01 Just changing the bytes that differ in the header doesn´t work. Maybe someone could help me. Thanks2004-10-04 8:42 PM
Hello ibtiss,
now as you mentioned I see the difference between ''RVDS'' and ''RVDK''. So I have to say, that I were using the 45-days preview edition of the RealView Developer KIT, and now I have the RealView Developer SUITE. Is there no possibility to convert the RVDK-image to a RVDS-image? Thanks for your help, Marcus