2022-11-08 11:36 PM
I am trying to use MAC with my STSAFE-A110, in order to further restrict access.
I would have expected a function similar to establishing a public key, i.e. StSafeA_PutPublicKeySlot(...), but I can only find StSafeA_PutAttribute.
StSafeA_ResponseCode_t StSafeA_PutAttribute(
StSafeA_Handle_t *pStSafeA,
uint8_t InAttributeTag, // e.g. STSAFEA_TAG_HOST_KEY_SLOT
const uint8_t *pInData,
uint16_t InDataSize,
uint8_t InMAC);
How are we supposed to establish the shared HMAC key? What is the expected format of pInData?
The HMAC key should be "write once". Once the HMAC key is established, we should not be able to change it.
2022-11-09 2:04 AM
I moved this question to the STSAFE forum