2003-12-17 5:56 AM
2011-05-17 2:57 AM
Does any one have a working xtal fundamnetal frequency filter example so that more commonly avaialble (and cheaper) 3rd overtone high frequency xtals may be used with uPSD internal xtal oscilator?[addsig]2011-05-17 2:57 AM
try 1nF-10nF (4n7) SMD805 capacitor in serial with 1u5 or 2.2uH SMD0805 inductor between ground and XTAL2. PetrQuote:
On 2003-11-30 16:39, Leor wrote: Hi, Does any one have a working xtal fundamnetal frequency filter example so that more commonly avaialble (and cheaper) 3rd overtone high frequency xtals may be used with uPSD internal xtal oscilator?[addsig]