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Why example code "ism330dlc_read_data_polling.c" with example ".ioc" is not working?

Associate II


I'm working on the "STEVAL-MKI182V2" mounted on the "STEVAL-MKI109V3" development board. Initially, I downloaded the Standard c Drivers from the following link "" where I found the ".ioc" file called "_prj_MKI109V3" which is specifically developed for the MKI109V3 board. 

Then after I have added the "ISM330DLC" driver files and example code called "ism330dlc_read_data_polling.c" from the following link "" after adding I was just calling "ism330dlc_read_data_polling" function in the main while loop. 

Now the issue is, after dumping the code I'm not able to read the "WHO AM I" register. Because of that 

if (whoamI!= ISM330DLC_ID) while (1); /*manage here device not found */

controller is getting stuck in the above while loop.

Now I really need help because the project is getting delayed and still, we are stuck with this issue for almost 1 and a half months now.

One thing I observed was that after dumping.bin file(from the Unico GUI package) I was able to see the changing data using UNICO GUI.

Here I'm attaching my project zip file below. Please let me know if you can help me with this issue.