2017-07-26 2:26 PM
HW : STM32L476RG-SensorTile
Tried to enable the debug print through USB.
I was using the BlueMicrosystem2_V2.2.0. Enable #define OSX_BMS_ENABLE_PRINTF and rebuild code will work.
Can see all the print out.
Recently got the new STM32CubeFunctionPack_MOTENV1_V3.0.0.
Followed the instruction in main.c to rebuild with #define MOTENV1_ENABLE_PRINTF
But the ST Virtual COM port not even showing up in PC device manager
Is there additional work need to be done ?
2017-07-26 3:47 PM
OK, found the problem, this was old problem for using AC6.
As #elif will not work for just #define, need to change all the build options define in project to =1