2023-11-13 8:45 AM
Firstly, sorry for my low experiencia, i come here to try advanced in my project.
I'm trying use the accelerometer LSMDSO with NUCLEO-F401RE and i i'm having difficult to read 3 axis data.
Iam using the library present in the STM repository: https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/stm32-lsm6dso/blob/main/lsm6dso_reg.h
Please, its possible someone show a simple code to read the axis of LSM6DSO?
I'm using I2C to realize the comunication and this peripherical (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/18020)
Thank you!
2023-11-16 7:37 AM
Hi @Thales Vignoli ,
Try to use our official PID examples that you find here and let me know if this helps you!