2019-05-31 12:18 AM
We are designing a HW with LSM9DS1 inertial chip. There are C1 capacitor recommended to be 100 nF and C5 to be 10 nF +- 10%, but we have not these values in our BOM so it would be an extra part type. Have these parts some allowed range of capacity to be selected from or these values are mandatory to proper function?
Thank you.
2019-05-31 12:32 AM
Hi Ondrej, aren't you able to find both of the capacitors C1 and C5 or only C5? While for the C1 a standard 0.22uF can be ok, the C5 is mandatory at 10nF. Which is the nearest to 10nF capacitance value available for you? Regards
2019-05-31 1:05 AM
Hi Elon.
Thank you for the fast answer. Now we have in our BOM:
100 uF, 18 pF, 4.7 uF, 470 nF.
So for C5 we place 10 nF, but for C1 is possible to place 470 nF / 0402?
2019-05-31 1:25 AM
Hi Ondrej, ok for the 470nF value. Regards
2019-05-31 1:36 AM
Hi Eleon.
Thank you, perfect.