2014-06-10 3:58 AM
I am using an LSM303D and find the noise level surprisingly high. I have configured it with the following parameters:
#define CTRL0 0b00000000 //for normal mode, filters by-passed#define CTRL1 0b00011111 //update after read, and all axes of acceleration enabled at 3.125Hz#define CTRL2 0b11000001 //50Hz anti-alias, +/- 2g, no self-test, (SPI 3-wire)#define CTRL3 0b00000000 //No INT1 actions#define CTRL4 0b00000000 //No activity on INT2.#define CTRL5 0b01100000 //No temperature, high-res magnetic, 25Hz, no INT2 latching#define CTRL6 0b00000000 //+/-2gauss sensitivity.#define CTRL7 0b00000000 //normal acceleration filter, no Temp, magnetic always on, continuous conversion modeI have it at a fixed position and static magnetic field and get the values shown in the attached XLSX file:Could I improve it?2014-06-20 1:07 AM
Hi,frank,how is it going?