2014-08-28 10:21 AM
I have a question pertaining to the drive strength of the analog outputs of the LPY410AL 2-axis analog gyroscope. The circuit is as follows: The analog outputs of the LPY410AL are connected to the inputs of a LMV324 Quad Op-amp in unity-gain configuration. The outputs of the op-amp are connected to the inputs of a ADS8332 Analog-Digital converter. Each digital output is then connected to an I/O pin on a Lattice XP2-8E FPGA. My question is: are the op-amp buffers required between the gyroscope and the ADC? They were placed as a precaution as we were unsure that the drive strength of the gyroscopes was enough for the ADC. We are now looking to shrink down the size of the board by removing the op-amps. If you have any other questions or require more details, please let me know.
Thank you,Dan #imu #gyroscopes #lpy410al