2019-11-19 7:15 PM
I'm having some issues in trying to get valid data out of the LIS3DH. For some reason I am only receiving a constant value of -1 [0xffc0 10 bits left aligned] on all channels and FIFO slots. I can read/write all other registers just fine, it's just the sensor data that is not working. I'm sure it's something I'm missing in the config, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it.
VCC and VCCIO is 3V3
Communications is over I2C @ 400KHz
I have repeated this failure mode on multiple devices
My Init process is as follows:
After which I poll for data by reading the FIFO_SRC register, and then reading the data registers if it shows data available. I have tried addig a delay up to 100ms after init and before checking, with no difference in behavior.
If anyone has any insight or a solution it would be greatly appreciated.
2019-11-21 3:31 AM
Hi @MarkL , you say:
>> I have repeated this failure mode on multiple devices
Do you mean that there are a few devices working or that all the devices show this behavior?
Btw, before the step where you enable the BDU / 2g in CTRL4, write the CTRL_REG1 turning on the sensor, and enabling X, Y, and Z and ODR=100 Hz (e.g. 57h), and check if you can get a data output.
2019-11-21 6:26 AM
Hi Eleon,
Thanks for the reply. Sorry I wasn't clearer, I meant that all devices I tried exhibited the same behavior.
I had tried previously without the FIFO, but not quite as stripped down of an init as you proposed. (the current state is as a result of trying to solve my issue, I started off much simpler too) Having said that, I tried running the test with only the register reset and the setting of CTRL1 as you suggested, and it does appear that I'm getting data. I then repeated at 400Hz and again at 1344Hz, in all cases I got what appears to be valid data, though at 1344 I do occasionally see a blip of bad data [all 3 channels reporting 0x0000 or 0xffc0 (at the same time)].
[edit] After running a bit longer at 100Hz I do start to see blips of invalid data as well. It does appear to be orientation specific however, If I have the chip facing the sky it doesn't happen very often, whereas when I have it facing the test bench it almost continuously shows the fault.
[edit2] After investigating furhter by selectively turning on and off each of the various settings, it only seems to manifest when I enable the FIFO. One thing I can't tell is if this happens immediately, or if it quickly degrades into this mode. I have some additional hardware due to arrive sometime today that will help me debug this further.
Is there a particular setting you can see that I'm doing wrong that could be causing this?
2019-11-25 2:56 AM
Thank you @MarkL for your detailed analysis. Referring to your [edit2] point, are you synchronizing well the FIFO as detailed in the AN3308, from p.46 on? E.g. in BYPASS mode is the device working well? Regards