2017-12-18 6:26 AM
Hi, I am using LIS2DH12TR accelerometer. I am testing self test values.
When self test mode is disabled, the axis values:
When self test mode is enabled in self test mode 1,
the axis values
Kx > Ax , Ly > By but Mz < Cz
Can this happen on a robust accelerometer?
if Kx
>Ax and Ly>
the Mz value must be big than
Cz . Is it true?
Best Regards
2017-12-19 10:54 AM
In principle it can happen and it is OK, absolute value of the difference sefl_test_on - self_test_off should be evaluated.
But what is the unit of Ax, By, Cz, Kx, Ly, Mz? Is it LSB?
The self-test should be done with FS = 2g and Normal mode (10-bit representation).
2017-12-19 11:31 PM
Thanks Miroslav for your answer.
The unit of axes values is LSB the above and the following measures.
When enabled self test mode 1, axes values: (FS = 2g and Normal mode (10-bit representation). CTRL_REG4: 0x84)
x:429 y:457 z:331When disabled self test mode, axes values:
x:532 y:555 z:264x and y values increased, z value decreased. Is it Ok?
2017-12-20 2:40 AM
It is OK if x and y values increased, z value decreased.
As I mentioned before the absolute value of the difference should be evaluated and compered with the limits mentioned in datasheet (see page 11 of the datasheet).
The value without self-test seems strange to me because I don't see the gravity in any axis and even the size of the vector is significantly less than 1g.