2020-11-23 9:12 AM
I'm seeing the below issue with flashing firmware on the sensor tile device. I'm trying to test the ble_sampleapp for the sensor tile device. When I use the STM32Cube IDE with a nucleo board as a debugger, I'm able to run the code on the sensor tile and the ble is discoverable on the ST bluetooth app for Android.
However, when I flash the same binary on the sensor tile using st-link or st-flash, the sensor tile is not discoverable on the bluetooth (LED is not flashing as well). Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong.
st-flash commands:
st-flash erase
st-flash write MotEnv1_ST.bin 0x08000000
For st-link, I used the same procedure described in the below link.
2020-11-24 9:28 AM
Hi @PTeja.1 ,
please consider first that almost all the FW that supports the BLE FOTA function (probably the one you are using too) need a bootloader that has to be flashed to the base address of the flash memory with an offset of 0x4000. Usually, in the .zip files you can find online there are 2 .bin files, one standard, that has to be flashed starting from 0x08004000 address, and the other one that includes the Bootloader section and that can be flashed starting from base address 0x08000000. The one with suffix "BL" includes the Bootloader code.
You are probably using the FW without the Bootloader starting from the base address instead of 0x08004000 address.
Please let me know if this is the case.